ICS considers the management of the environmental impact of its activities to be of primary importance.
The Policy for Quality and the Environment represents for ICS S.p.A. the document that summarizes the mission of our business consolidated on the market for over 50 years.
“We produce plastic articles with low environmental impact, of long-term use, that after years of use, at the end of their life, become part of the entirely recyclable waste to become PLASTICA SECONDA VITA, used to produce new plastic items, in a virtuous circular economy. “
Years of passion and dedication in the production and marketing of plastic items. Quality and environmental management systems represent the tools of company organization that for years have accompanied our company in pursuing quality objectives and respect for the environment.
These tools up to now are shared and implemented by both operators from the managers of the structure. Through the adoption and continuous improvement of management systems, the Management guarantees the pursuit of the following quality and environmental objectives.
CO2 saved annually
equivalent annual trees
energy generated annually
- Provide adequate technical and financial human resources to ensure a correct, effective and effective management of environmental issues and a consistent implementation of the management system corresponding to the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015;
- respect of the technical parameters of the products thanks to a meticulous planning of production and management processes;
- respect of production parameters by virtue of an advanced technical and technological business heritage;
- control of company processes and ability to identify and track down non-compliant products;
- selection and continuous assessment of both historical suppliers and new collaborations through a preliminary ex-ante evaluation of the capabilities and potential of the same and meticulous continuous control of the materials in acceptance and objective verification of the required technical requirements;
- continuous staff awareness of the technical improvement of organizational processes and compliance with related activities;
- careful and continuous respect of environmental legislation at the community, national and regional and municipal levels by the Management and its collaborators;
- put in place procedures, instructions and training activities necessary to prevent the likelihood of pollution both inside the site company that externally;
- examine all the possibilities available on the market to implement forms of energy saving and in general reducing negative environmental impacts;
- support continuous awareness actions of personnel oriented towards energy saving, optimization and rationalization of non-renewable resources.
barrels of oil saved annually
integrated roofing of PV panels
This Policy is diffused among the company organization and sent for information to public institutions and bodies.
The Management at the time of review reserves the right at any time to change the Policy for Quality and the Environment according to changes in regulations and the market, the evolution of company capacity in terms of human, technical and technological resources, strategies and short, medium and long objectives that it intends to pursue.
I.C.S. spa
Via Maura Ponti – 27010 Copiano (PV)
Tel. +39 0382 975001
Fax. +39 0382 975004
P.I. 00444910186